题目:Direct discretization method for phase field model on surfaces
报告人:李义宝 教授 (yl8cc永利数学与统计学院)
摘要: In this talk, we will introduce simple and efficient direct discretization schemes for solving the phase field model on a fix and evolving surfaces. By using a conservation law and transport formulae, we derive the phase field model on evolving surfaces. An evolving surface is discretized using an unstructured triangular mesh. The discrete phase field model is defined on the surface mesh and its dual surface polygonal tessellation. The evolving triangular surfaces are then realized by moving the surface nodes according to a given velocity field. The proposed scheme is based on the Crank–Nicolson scheme and a linearly stabilized splitting scheme. The scheme is second order accurate, with respect to both space and time. Several numerical experiments are presented to demonstrate the performance and effectiveness of the proposed numerical scheme.

报告人简介:李义宝,yl8cc永利教授,博导,国家青年人才支持计划入选者,yl8cc永利青年拔尖计划入选者,2018年3月至2020年6月担任yl8cc永利数学与统计学院应用数学系主任,2019年7月至今担任数学与统计公司党委副书记。主要从事多物理场的耦合机制、3D打印的图形处理和拓扑优化等相关研究。自2010年,在JCP,CMAME,PR等期刊发表论文70篇(SCI论文64篇),学术总引用937次,H因子20, I10 因子33, 获得国家授权发明专利3项。